Books and guides

During 2018, the Asian Development Bank published “Health Impact Assessment: a good practice sourcebook“, for which I was the main contributor. Fellow authors included Robert Bos, Salim Vohra, Yanyong Inmuong, and Filipe Silva together with staff at the Asian Development Bank, especially Gene Peralta and Susann Roth. This publication can be downloaded free as a PDF file. While it focuses on the Asian region, it contains updates to the more general “HIA: principles and practice”

2011 Birley M. Health Impact Assessment, principles and practice. Earthscan/Routledge.

2010 Vohra, S, M Birley , J Ball. Good practice guidance on HIA. International Council on Mining and Metals.

2010 Pennington, A, M H Birley and H Dreaves. Strategic guidance for safeguarding and improving the health of communities affected by estate regeneration in Tower Hamlets.

2006 Hassan A., Birley M.H., Giroult E., Zghondi R., Khan MZ, Bos R. “Environmental Health Impact Assessment of Development projects.” A Practical Guide for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Click to download 131pp Acrobat file.

2003 Bos R., Birley M.H., Furu P. and Engel C. Health opportunities in development: a course manual on developing intersectoral decision-making skills in support of health impact assessment. World Health Organization. Part 1 and 2: 68; Part 3: 100.

2001 Scott Samuel A., Arden K., Birley M.H. The Merseyside Guidelines for Health Impact Assessment. 2001 Scott-Samuel, A., Birley, M., Ardern, K. The Merseyside Guidelines for Health Impact Assessment. Second Edition, May 2001. 20 pages. ISBN 1 874038 56 2. Published by the International Health Impact Assessment Consortium.

2000 Birley M.H. and Lock K. The health impacts of peri-urban natural resource development. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Cromwell Press, London, ISBN 0 9533566 1 2., pp 190.

1998 Birley M.H., Boland A., Davies L., Edwards R.T., Glanville H., Ison E., Millstone E., Osborn D., Scott-Samuel A. and Treweek J. Health and environmental impact assessment, an integrated approach. Ed: British Medical Association, Earthscan publications, pp243.

1997 Birley M.H. Gomes M. and Davy A. Health aspects of environmental assessment. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook Update, 18, dated July 1997 Environmental Division, The World Bank.

1995 BirleyM H. The Health Impact Assessment of Development Projects. HMSO. (Contact us for archive copy)

1992 Guidelines for the Health Impact Assessment of Development Projects. Asian Development Bank. (Contact us for archive copy)

1990 Birley M H. Guidelines for forecasting the vector-borne disease implications of water resource development. PEEM/WHO Guidelines 2.

Papers and reports

2020 Birley M H. Health Impact Assessment of Broompark Residential Development, East Calder. (Confidential).

2019 Birley M and R Bos. Health Impact Assessment, a tool for intersectoral collaboration. Unpublished chapter for book entitled “Innovative strategies for vector control”. Book series “Ecology and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases”. Ed: W Takken. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

2019 Mindell, J and M Birley. Qualitative Health Impact Assessment. Unpublished book chapter for book “Traffic-related air pollution: Emissions, human exposures, and health”. Editors: H Khreis, M Nieuwenhuijsen, T Ramani, J Zietsman.

2013 Birley M H. A framework for cumulative effects in HIA. PDF. For presentation at IAIA annual conference, Calgary (not currently online)

2012 Birley M H, Vohra S. and Ahmad B. HIA of oil projects in Iraq. Pdf. For presentation at IAIA annual conference, Porto.

2010 Birley M H. Health impacts of the transport transition. Pdf. Presented at IAIA annual conference, Geneva.

2009 Birley M H. Mitigation in an energy constrained world. PowerPoint. Presented at HIA annual conference, Rotterdam.

2009 Birley M H. Energy constraint and_impact_assessment. Word doc paper that accompanies PowerPoint file. Presented at IAIA annual conference, Ghana.

2008 Birley, M, Abrahams, D, Pennington, A, Haigh, F, Dreaves, H. A Prospective Rapid Health Impact Assessment of the Energy from Waste Facility in the States of Jersey, Stage 2, June 2008

2007 Birley M H and Birley V J. Healthy design principles for use in the Health Impact Assessment of mixed residential developments . Draft November 2007.

2007 Birley M H. “A fault analysis for health impact assessment: procurement, competence, expectations, and jurisdictions“. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 25, 4. December 2007. DOI: 10.3152/146155107X246297.

2005 Birley M.H. “Health impact assessment in multinationals: A case study of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group”. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 25(7-8), 702-713.

2004 Birley M.H. “Health impact assessment in developing countries.” Edited by Kemm J., Parry J. and Palmer S. (eds). “Health impact assessment, concepts, theory, techniques and applications.” Oxford University Press.

2003 Birley M.H. “Health Impact Assessment, integration and critical appraisal.” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 21, 4, 313-321.

2002 Birley M.H. “A review of trends in health impact assessment and the nature of the evidence used.” Journal of Environmental Management and Health. 13,1, 21-39.

2001 revised 2005 Scott Samuel A., Arden K., Birley M.H. “Assessing health impacts on a population.” Chapter 1.6 (pp 48-58) in Pencheon D., Guest C., Melzer D., Muir Gray J.A. (ed.) “Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice”. Oxford University Press, Oxford.[/halfcolumn]

2001 WHO Europe. “Health Impact Assessment in Strategic Environmental Assessment.” Editors: Breeze C. H. and Lock K. Many contributors. Pp29.

2000 World Commission on Dams. “Dams and Development a new framework for decision-making.” Multiple authors. Pp 404.

2000 Birley M.H. “Health impact assessment as a practical tool in water resource development projects“. Observatoir Africain. Impacts sanitaires et nutritionnel des hydro-aménagements en Afrique.

1998 Renshaw M., Birley M.H., Sang D.K. and Silver J.B. “A rapid health impact assessment of the Turkwel Gorge Hydroelectric dam and proposed irrigation project.” Impact assessment and project appraisal, 16, 3, 215 – 226.

1998 Birley M.H. and Lock K. Health and peri-urban natural resource production. Environment and Urbanization, 10, 1, 89-106.

1997 Birley M.H. and Peralta G.L. Advances in the health impact assessment of development projects. In: International perspectives on environment development and health towards a sustainable world. Ed: Shahi GS Levy BS Binger A Kjellstrom T and R Lawrence. Springer, New York.

1996 McGranahan G., Lewin S., Fransen T., Hunt C., Kjellen M., Pretty J., Stephens C., and Virgin I. Environmental change and human health in countries of Africa the Caribbean and the Pacific. Stockholm October 1999. Pages 214 plus annexes. ISBN: 91 88714 69 1. Stockholm Environment Institute (plus 18 contributing authors).

1996 Konradsen F., Chimbari M., Furu P., Birley M.H. and Christensen N.O. “The use of health impact assessments in water resource development: a case study from Zimbabwe.” Impact Assessment, 15, 55-72.

1996 Birley M.H., Bos R., Engel C.E., Furu P. A multi-sectoral task-based course: “Health opportunities in water resources development.” Education for Health: Change in Training and Practice. 9(1) 71-83.

Articles and publications via Google Scholar



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Our appraisals include bids, Terms of Reference, policies and procedures, scoping reports, baseline reports, community consultations, Health Impact Statements, recommendations, management plans, health in environmental and social assessments, and integration with other assessments such as ESHIA and SEA.


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  • Pioneering Health Impact Assessment since 1984

  • Extensive experience of HIA in many countries of the world

  • Author of many books, guidelines, reports and academic papers

  • Consultant to WHO, World Bank, Asian and African Development Bank, DFID, governments and private concerns

  • Senior Health Adviser on Health Impact Assessment for Shell International

  • Senior University Lecturer

  • Receipt of individual recognition award from IAIA for work of international significance in Health Impact Assessment

  • Receipt of individual recognition award from IAIA for work of international significance in Health Impact Assessment

  • Invited speaker on HIA at many conferences

  • High level of computer proficiency

Dr Martin Birley, Lead Consultant

Mobile: +44 (0) 772 504 0361
Location: England

BirleyHIA – safeguarding community health

BirleyHIA consultants undertake HIA for Local Authorities, private & public sector organisations in collaboration with project sponsors, regulatory authorities, local communities, and other stakeholders; and within internationally accepted professional codes of practice. The firm also runs HIA training and workshops for individuals and organisations.